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Reference page from "Georgie Girl" flash animation

"Georgie Girl" audio
(lyrics below)

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Thom Hartmann speaks of where the bullshit comes from

Real Audio /   Windows

This is an 11-minute excerpt (condensed by us) of the first segment of Thom Hartmann's 7-05-04 program on the subject of language manipulation, focusing on Newt Gingrich's "word list" but more specifically on GOP "Word Guru" Frank Luntz. If you want to hear Thom's whole 3-hour program, mostly on this subject, go to  and click on Thom Hartmann's show 7-05-04.

This exerpt covers about the first 30 minutes of the show, so you should try to go about 30 minutes into the archive above, to pick up from here.  You can also read the transcript of Luntz's interview referred to by Thom, from Bill Moyers' program, at:

please credit: Paul Glickman,


Parody lyrics by Jim Terr, after 1967 Seekers' hit, “Georgy Girl”

Hey there Georgie Girl, who'dya think you are to criticize?
We just cannot find those guys, that you say served with you. -–in '72—

Hey there Georgie Girl, best limit yourself to carrier decks
Instead of criticizing vets, who didn't run and hide....

You're always pandering to those cowboys just like yourself.
Better put that flight suit back on the shelf. –and leave it there –

Hey there Georgie Girl, talk about the issues if you can.
You can't be a man by swaggering and talking tough. –-It's not enough—

Hey there Georgie Girl, crack a book or newspaper some day.
Then let's see what you've got to say, about this world....
It'll make your hair curl...
Might even make you hurl...
Wake up Georgie Girl...
You silly Georgie Girl..
Wake up Georgie Girl...